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(1 edit)

I have a black main char, just the shill...shadow, it also looks like I have a sex scene that I'm not seeing based on the context.

Hey sorry, I just do the same kinda helpfull bug mentioning they usually ask for on steam, not sure if they are used to this here. i just thought to mention this after getting a strange reaction for asking about a demo.

Well I finally  started playing it the  payed version. Just one thing, weren't you able to name the main char? Or was the sound supposed to be missing?  Playing many different games recently I forget some of the details.


I can't complete ice cream quest or i need to waiting for 0.18 


When will the game have an official release? And are there any updates as of recent


available for android? or no

not atm

Sorry have I gotten the right file? It's my first time and I thought this game turned into a "buy the full game" if you want to have the full experience later version.

I was worried about the rar data thing, but now that I bought it, I just got what looks like a notebook, can't unzip it nothing.

I can only look at a cryptic text wall.

You can download winrar for free and open the file but we'll add a zip file for future downloads. Let me know if this solved the issue.

Deleted 334 days ago
Deleted post

Pls contact us through discord so we can help you

i have a question before thinking about buying the game, is there any femdom related content at all or any of the girls being dominant/forward?

the game is currently under development but yes, we plan on adding it in a couple more updates

Needs more frames to animation.

we know :( We'll keep improving everything as the development continues.


yeah, wtf. i bought the game and it still says i can only play the demo, i also went to discord, and asked and got auto banned, if you can tell me whats going on that would be appreciated.

and yet they often tell you to visit most of the devs on discord to ask these questions.

I'm really sorry for the trouble you're having. We're in the process of implementing new bots on our Discord server, and it seems there was an error that caused your expulsion. We've already lifted the bot ban, so feel free to rejoin the server.

Regarding the issue with the version of the game you purchased, we've checked the download file, and it seems to be in order. Could you let me know the name of the file you downloaded? Also, could you provide me with more details about what appears on the screen when you try to play?

I just bought and downloaded it, I got PHD v0.17.1 RAR Datei

It looks like editor symbol for me and I can't do much more with that. Through the app it tried to download the demo again too I believe. I'm not so sure about the last part anymore.

hey maybe go to the web and not the app, imma see if it works if it does cool, annoying, but still moneys worth

I guess it was not clear, I did that I have that data when doing it without the app, with the app only the demo, but generally it should work both I guess. 

That's at least what you expect, but I already heard the app is actually kinda bad.

well at least i do have the game installed at least

it says install, but it only says demo ver, and i know i bought the game i can screen shot that i have bought the game dunno if its a itch thing thats happening, or something isnt letting me play the full ver.

We can verify your purchase using your email and the date of purchase. Feel free to reach out to me via Discord to protect your personal information and see possible solutions

dont worry i found the solution, i just go to chrome, edge, etc instead of the itch app. if others have the same issue, tell them to do that, cause i do have the game now installed

Deleted 334 days ago

Will u port to android in future?

For now, we only have the PC version. We plan to make it available for Android later on

Deleted 335 days ago

¡Hola! ¿Has intentado cargar la escena de nuevo? ¿Podrías contarme un poco más sobre que es lo que te aparece?

Deleted 335 days ago
(1 edit)

a Ellie la puedes encontrar en el parque del village, donde esta el arbol rosa por la noche 

Deleted 335 days ago

Will there be impreg?


Yup, we plan on adding it in a couple more updates

I cannot spend money on Patreon, can you consider alternative payment options?

Hey, in a few days we'll upload the new update for download here on itch too

SO far i see, the girl he help in the forest like to gave is pussy for evryone xD

In the train, the girl is similiar to her. xD

Im curius with the next update



huh i thought I would be able to take a look at a scene in game, would have liked to see if the animation quality is a bit different from the images i have here.

Are there battles? Seems interessting and looks similar in style to something I nearly bought.

We have a battle module a couple updates away

Yes I'm trying out to much else at the moment since I forgot where i got the battle idea, but good to know.

How does it work here? I already asked but it could be that a rar file might be causing problems for me. 

What I usually encountere here is I think a zip file? 

If I decite to support it know I only pay those 3Dollar and keep the game correct ? It does look good so I hope the animations will get smooth enough looks good however.

Can we influence the main chars personality somehow? Otherwise in chase you can tell us I would like to know his personallity and maybe some planned content or can I read about that somewhere else? I will read over the main page here again in a minute.

I should stop making these posts when I'm kinda not quite feeling well or still waking up. If there are mistakes please ask again.


i cant seem to progress after the scene with the pizza delivery girl what do i have to do?

Did you ever find out how to progress? Currently stuck there myself.

nope sorry


Mac version would be appreciated 

Is on the way!

much love.

Do plan on doing an android version?


Hello! At the moment, our game is only for PC. We plan to port it to Android in the future :)

Do you plan on creating a version for Debian Linux / Ubuntu?

Yes we do. First this next update and once out and working we'll focus for a few days on polishing the mac and linux versions so we can release them. They are not that far away.

is there other way to get or buy the game without going to patreon, patreon is not accepting my PayPal or card for some reasons!! Nooooooo

Same question here ...

Not right now, but I will check what options we have

wait you can buy it already? Would like to buy it here.

This next update will be available here on itch too


saving does not work


the discord invite is not working

We've updated the Discord link, pls check


Do more and put it on android plss

We plan to but is way harder that it seems. We'll do it at some point for sure.

Deleted post

Yes, please, put it here !

(1 edit)

I am having problems with the saves, is that normal or i am doing something wrong?

When i save the game creates anoter file but not in the game file i tried to drag the save to the game file but it dint work

Yes I have the same problem

Hey! We've detected the issue, it's a conflict with saves from past builds. It will be fixed in the next update, but in the meantime, if you delete the 'gatolobo' folder from documents before starting a game with the new version, you shouldn't have that problem anymore.


I have never played the game before and saves don't work. Deleting the folder doesn't fix it.

(1 edit) (+1)

is there some way to see the fps cuz my pc sounded like a jet before the apartment and the quality setting didn't seem to save nor being able to close the video/sound window  

Right now, we are working on the performance to address the majority of reported issues. Nevertheless, we will enable the fps display in the upcoming build.

*thumbs up emote

Can you put a version to buy here ? Not only in Patreon.

Is Peach Hills Division and Peach Hills Academy the same thing?

Yes, changed the name but it's the same project



Any plans on putting it on android?


Yes, we have it in mind. Eventually, we will port it

Yes please!


wow what a nice game, what a beautiful style  

fresh my eye hope can get more content foe the update

Thank you so much!


This look interesting. Do you have plans to bring it out on Mac too?


Yes, it is planned. Hopefully soon 

(1 edit)

Beautiful game with an interesting artstyle!
Just wondering, how do I know if I've reached end of content or not?
I've been going around but nothing further happens.
And is it possible to miss anything?


Thank you! V0.16b ends when you gather every image in the gallery. That way you know you are not missing any event.


We are also adding a mission tracker to help throughout every event so you don´t miss any or get lost.  It's almost ready

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

I was stuck at train station and couldn't figure out what to do. This game looks interesting.

Are there any plans for an android version in the future?


Yes, it's planned.

Where is the Android version its been already 6months+ waiting

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